We make property owning simple!

Our vision is to change traditional behaviour. With the help of technical solutions, create value, security and simplicity for the broad mass of property ownership in Europe.

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The Road Forward

We're shaping the future of property management for non-resident owners, and we want your opinion. Your feedback helps us along the way.

Safe: Follows current regulations
Simple: Reporting in minutes
Low cost: The cheaper option

About us

Meet the visionaries behind the idea
- "We ourselves have used agents for several years, but thought it was unnecessarily expensive"

If truth be told, who likes to declare? Linguistic barriers, laws and regulations make it complicated and difficult to familiarize yourself with tax management. When the time is right, you usually need help that costs an unnecessary amount, where you have to do most of the work! Why is it like that?
Our vision is to make tax management simple, secure and at a low cost.

All we care about is giving you help when you need it!

As founders, we come from the financial world where the focus is on creating customer benefits with low thresholds, system solutions that simplify your everyday life.

Zmartzer is about making something smarter than it is today.
Jan Neidebro
Development & IT

Come from banking and finance for 20 years with digital solutions. Streamlining with automation of manual procedures.
- "There are easier ways to do tax management."
Jens Johansson

Come from banking and finance for 14 years with finance and management. Business development and management.
- "I shouldn't have to be a tax expert to feel safe and certain that it will be right."

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Tax management

In Spain we have Modulo 210 management each year for property tax and quarterly for rental tax.
We want to find a easier way.

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